Saturday, March 17, 2012

Love is a Story

Love is a story.

There are the people of course. Then there is love. Then both of them happen to meet and a plot is formed. The beginning is nice, but a conflict soon arises. And for most, it is over. The story is no longer good.

The critics convinced you. This story isn't that great. Love is hard. Love doesn't last. Love is only in the beginning. Oh, if only you would finish it.

Fall in love with the plot. Enjoy the sacrifice. Look forward to the troubles. Read passed the supposed bad ending. Read the story how it was meant to be read; from beginning to end.

Critics will be critics, but it is all up to you. If that isn't convincing then just look at the cover. In the end, it all comes down to its author.

 "Love" by Jesus.


  1. I guess the purpose of this was to remind everyone the true source of love. Don't look at love how other people view it. Look at love how Christ has looked at love. Instead of worrying about relationships today, look forward to how much you can love them tomorrow.
