Monday, March 26, 2012


I have to admit, before I wanted to become Catholic, I was stuck between individual rights and the right to life. Everyone should have the right to be alive right? And everyone should have rights over their own bodies right? But I realized something new.

Rethink Immoral 

It pains me to see women saying it is "immoral" not to give them rights.  I just can't figure out what is a right and what is a law anymore.  Everyone has the right not to be killed, but they don't have the right to be saved?  Isn't the very act of not saving someone doing NOTHING for fear of your own life?  So as long as a baby is dependent on the mother the mother can choose to ACT.  They aren't doing NOTHING by going to a clinic.  They are in fact, going to ACT on ending a "potential" life. Explain that logic.

And women say it is immoral? If anything the very concept of abortion is demoralizing towards women.

Imagine this scenario. A woman decides to have sex. She gets pregnant by accident. "What about my career? What about the father? It's okay, this is fixable."

A world in which a woman can just "fix" being pregnant. The pressure on sex is no longer a problem. In fact, it is your right to have sex. Don't you see what is happening? Men are losing the pleasure of pursuit. They don't enjoy the modesty of a woman any longer. And women are losing what makes them so unique; that they have power over men and power to give birth. Being a girl or a man is no longer important because men don't see you; they see sex.

And just think of the mother who aborted. Will she even feel guilty? It seemed to make sense then. But if she could take it all back what would her life be like?

I see it as a hand I can never hold,a little less "I love you's" I will get to hear, a smile I can never see, baby food I will never get the chance to try and pride I will never feel when I see my son or daughter become someone great.

Women, I urge you to rethink your concept of "immoral."  I am not a man trying to take your rights away. I just want to see you; not your boobs nor your butt. I want you to see how beautiful and empowering you can be over me.  I want you to be blessed with a beautiful child that will show you the love you have been missing your entire life.

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