Monday, March 12, 2012

Is Satan Real?

You better believe it. I really didn't want to write about this topic. I have a deep fear for the paranormal and occult. I had that "hair standing up on the back of my neck" feeling the entire time I researched this. It is scary to think about anything above ourselves that can invade us without our consent. I am writing to you because I want you to be mindful of the origin of sin. Sometimes the best defense is knowing what you are up against. To help you better understand the focus will be the origin of Satan in relation to angels.

What are Angels?
Angels are the spiritual beings God created before the universe; God's first creations. According to Catholic doctrine, they were given free will just like us.

It is not clear what happened, but many theologists believe that when the angels were presented with Christ as a man, some refused to bow to a lesser being. Under the command of Lucifer, they were cast out from heaven.

Unlike us, their rejection is permanent because they are an entity closer to God. When Adam sinned he too became absent of God. God was sorry he created man because he recognized that his every intention was wicked (hence the flood), but also recognized our weakness so he sent his son. It is a different story for the angels. They are a higher being that understand God's will with clarity. Therefore, their sin was more malicious. We do not know the will of God so we always live in a state between sin and salvation.

Angels on Earth
The influence of angels on Earth is evident in the scriptures. For example, Abraham walking among the angels, Micheal appearing before Mary and the two angels that appear in the tomb of Jesus. How literal is it supposed to be taken? Do angels have a physical body? The popularized angel with wings and white robes came about from early paintings but the St. Thomas's Summa Theologica paints a different picture.
David Wrestling with the Angel
"His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow." -Matthew 28:3

According to the Theologica, angels don't exist in a physical sense. They do exist, as it says in Psalm 148:2 "'Praise ye' the Lord, 'all his angels'...for he spoke, and they were made; he commanded and they were created." They are an "intellectual substance." No physical limitations are placed upon them like humans. A being like God, but not God.

If angels are without bodies then how are they seen in the gospel? The Theologica also explains that angels are not in a place because that is defined as quantity having position. Angels do not have a physical body so they aren't a quantity. Essentially, they can be everywhere and no where all at once. Therefore, they are in a place only by application of angelic power.

Satan on Earth
Now take that context and apply it to Satan. Satan is everywhere, but no where too. Time and space does not exist for either. What is Satan? Most believe Satan to be Lucifer. Satan is  Lucifer, but is also much more. Think about the concept of "the devil". The devil is a symbol for the embodiment of all evil; a symbol for the absence of God.

Just as heaven is a perfect unity with God, hell is a perfect unity with Satan.

How does Satan affect us? The influence of angels and demons today is not seen as clearly as in the scriptures. This could be due to Jesus saving us from original sin. He "Stomped on the head of the snake" and Satan's influence was lessened.  There have been many cases of possession in the gospel and Jesus significantly lessened the power Satan had on us.

Satan Taking Physical Form
"And it came to pass, when man began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of man that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with men, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be numbered one-hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, man of renown." -Genesis 6:1-4
Note: this passage is subject to interpretation. the son of God may not be referring to angels at all. However,  references to the "sons of God" clearly depicted them as Angels in two other passages in the bible.

Then in the days of Noah, God destroyed the Earth and man with a great flood. The fallen angels that committed these sins on earth where doomed to hell-fire.

"God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to Hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgement." -II Peter 2:4
Thus, no longer being able to carry out a physical form on the earth. However, there are still fallen angels that were not chained and still try to bring influence to us.

Types of Influences
1. A direct attack to our minds and the most common
2. Gives feelings of hopelessness and despair; isolation from others
3. Satan is sly and makes us believe it is our own thoughts
4. When you sin, it is not Satan that commits the sin; it is you. All Satan can do is tempt you.

1. Invading a place, object or person
2.  Paranormal Activity scenerio
3. Objects go missing, change places, etc.
4. Strange banging noises or electrical appliances being turned on and off


1. Extremely rare case
2. The Church is very strict in handling cases of possession because it is similar to some physiological issues people may have.
3. Changes in physical appearance, speaking in strange languages, unnatural strength, etc.
4. Here is a link to signs of being possessed.

That image is really freaking me out. I think it is just as important to understand the absence of God if we ever want to understand Him. Remember, Satan is always fearful of the Lord. Did Jesus not cast out Legion into the swine that then drowned in the sea?


  1. This is amazing. "Catholic Faith Through a Catechumen" actually ties into Catholic faith through any practicing Catholic. These posts bring about new questions and thoughts for me through my religious journey.

  2. "It is not clear what happened, but many theologists believe that when the angels were presented with Christ as a man, some refused to bow to a lesser being. Under the command of Lucifer, they were cast out from heaven."

    This belief's popularity is often attributed to two main sources--Scripture itself: Isaiah 14, verse 12; Mark 5, verse 9, Revelations 12, verse 4, etc.; and Milton's "Paradise Lost." Milton did not completely invent the story, (Jesus did say that He saw satan fall like lightning from the sky in Luke 10:18) but he definitely developed the detailed back story that we do not find in scripture; i.e., the war and the names of the angels and so forth. His influence is unmistakable. Thought you'd like some extra info. :D Great post!
