Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I know I told you guys I would only be making weekly posts, but I felt inclined to present to you a sudden realization.

 Since I first decided to become Catholic, I have had a longing to understand just what that would mean.  Everyone desires to find God.  My way was through understanding; understand the parables and teachings of Jesus and the doctrines the Church presented.  Today I was doing research for my next blog post about the Eucharist. I kept finding sites on why I shouldn't believe in transubstantiation.  The further I dug the more I became convinced in what the arguments were against it.

My sponsor is really passionate about the Eucharist and I talked with her about the doubts I am having.  She bullied me into submission with just how overwhelming God actually is. Who am I to try to understand the infinite wisdom of God? I wanted to build a foundation of faith based on my knowledge. What good is faith without knowledge? I now say this to you; what good is knowledge without faith?

Are not all Catholic doctrines based on faith in Jesus? Did Jesus not say that our faith will save us?  I do not want to approach the people of the Catholic community as a doubter. Complete and utter adoration for God is what I should be striving for.  It would be wrong for me to say that I should blindly follow without understanding. I hear but I do not see and I see but I do not understand.

It is important to gain knowledge in the Lord.  Leo Trese, author of The Faith Explained, explains it like this. A normal person and an art expert both go to the Sistine Chapel.  Both are completely entranced with this consuming painting.  But, doesn't the art expert have a deeper appreciation for it because he understands it?
Knowledge is key to faith; but gaining knowledge without faith as its judge serves no purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Come as a doubter. That's how all of the greatest Apostles came to Jesus. Peter was renowned for doubting Jesus (we all remember the boat fiasco) and St. Paul! Forget it. The guy was on his way to kill Christians when he was thrown into a world of doubt! haha Better to be a doubting Thomas and be humbled than a knowledgeable Judas and despair. But you already knew that. Another great post! :D
