Four Things I Wish I Knew
1. You are not alone. In fact, there is a man who died for you.
He took your sins to the grave and even now shoulders the weight of your burdens. All you have to do is let him. Your body was made for more than just you. It is a tent for two and it houses your spirit and also His. Face it; there are things you just can't do. But, He can. Invite him into your tent. Give him control. He is your general who draws up the battle plans for your life. You only have to humble yourself. This man is God. You can't be God. But, He can. He lives through you, but only if you're willing.
2. No one on Earth will ever fill that space in your heart
That space is reserved for God. A girl is not that big and she probably won't fill the seat. God will. It seems weird right? You can't fall in love with an asexual being. That is where you are mistaken. Love is not an outcome of sex. Don't fret though. God leaves room for another person in your heart. Even though he is enough.
3. Don't let other people shape your reality
What I mean is, don't give in to peer pressure. I found the best you is the one modeled in Christ and not by everyone else. You may think religion is full of it and you could be right. Remember that religion is an outcome from man. Men are not perfect. Christ is perfect. Don't judge anything until you try it. And things like sex, smoking and partying don't make you cool. They don't liberate you or make you a man. If anything, not needing that stuff is even more liberating.
4. Don't let your lack of love today keep you from loving tomorrow
Life can be hard. Believe me, I know. You try to keep up with school and friends, try to live up to the expectations of your parents and try to live up to your own expectations. Still, you will find that you always come up short. And that life becomes more about "me" and less about everyone else. None of the yesterdays matter. Take your daily bread as it is. Life is too short to worry about what couldn't be done or just how obsolete you think you are. Christ thinks you're perfect. There will be people you love who reject you. Don't let that dictate your life. Instead of thinking about how alone you are today, think about how much more you can love tomorrow.
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